

Wednesday 11 January 2017

7wb3 Diamond Hunt Lesson 1. Planning

Lesson Objectives
- understand and summarise the programming task requirements
- revise knowledge of flowcharts
- plan programming task

Read through the two documents on google classroom what do you think we're going to learn this unit?  


Main 1 - User Needs

1) Open up the Diamond Hunt Evidence document on google classroom.
2) Read the programming task sheet, with a partner
3) Can you list the player's needs?  ie:  When the game starts, the mind should say "I'm going to be rich"? 

4) List this and the other player's needs in section 1 of your Evidence Document. 

Main 2
  • For your programming task you will need to show evidence of planning, using flowcharts. Here's a reminder of flowchart symbols and what they represent.
  • Can you remember completing the cup of tea or toast flow chart earlier in year 7?  
  • How could we use flowcharts to 'plan' a game? 

Main 3 - Practise Task:
On paper, plan your flowchart.  

Feedback from a partner, does it make sense, can you follow it, have the correct symbols been used? 

Main 4 - Apply.... if you get this far?  Using draw.io and use it to create a flowchart to show what must happen in your 'Diamond Hunt' game.  Make a start and next week's lesson will be


Have we met our objectives? What do we need to be clear on before we can finish our flow charts? 

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